Lagotto Romagnolo Puppies

Lagotto Romagnolo Puppies

Lagotto Romagnolo Breeders

Italian Truffle Hunting Water Dogs

Back in 1999 was when the original founders of The Truffle Farm land Grant and Betty Duckett imported their first Lagotto Romagnolo puppy from Italy, to Canada.. They were looking for a dog that sniffs truffles with amazing sense of smell and the Lagotto Romagnolo was the dog for them.

Here’s a story from Virginia Brietzke
A story of her experience with the Lagotto Romagnolo puppies & dogs

Archie was our first Lagotto Romagnolo; a gift from my parents for our children. We learned about the Lagotto Romagnolo demeanor. From the Lagotto puppy to the Lagotto senior, they are great with children, special needs, outdoors, hunting for game and of course Truffles. We loved what our parents were doing so we decided to move to Vancouver Island and join them.

Through teaching we learned that Lagotto Romagnolo dogs were a rare ancient Truffle retrieval breed. Originally, they were used for their exceptional smell capabilities for hunting game, meat, and well back in the 1800s it was a person’s dinner. In the later 1800s, the Italians needed a way to find their Truffles. They turned to the Lagotto Romagnolo breed, and trained them specifically for this scent. This training has lasted and continues to last – passing this trait on from each generation, to the next.

The Lagotto Romagnolo breed are the grandparents to many other breeds. We wanted to be part of the revival of the almost lost breed and introduce them to Canada. When we imported our first Lagotto Romagnolo from Italy, they were not really known or recognized by the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club).

Our parents Grant & Betty Duckett set the Italian confirmation standard with our lineage with the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club). Thanks to my parents, their actions have identified them as a recognized breed in Canada.

We are proud to be part of growth and learning of the Lagotto Romagnolo. We have committed as a family to protect the breed through the best in class lineage and breed nothing but the world’s best Lagotto Romagnolo for our customers, with the utmost integrity of reviving the Lagotto Romagnolo ancient Italian water dog breed.

A photo of Virginia Brietzke, holding her Lagotto Romagnolo doggy.

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Our Lagotto Dogs

Our puppies are bred with love, care, and experience

Situated on our 20 acre working Truffle Farm in Parksville, B.C. Canada is where our Lagotto Romagnolo puppies are carefully bred and taken care of.

Originally imported from Italy for the need for truffle noses and the love of animals was what urged Grant & Betty Ducket to bring into Canada, the 1st known working Lagotto Truffle dogs.

The oldest waterdog known globally, Lagotto Romagnolo dogs have evidence of presence near 1600 in lagoons of Comacchio and the marsh lands of the Romagna plain. Lagotto Romagnolos protected the home and the boot, tracked down the coots and retrieved shot birds, in the coldest waters for hours. When the marshlands were drained for growing land reclamation, the hunting instinct of the Lagotto was trained out for dedication exclusively to truffle hunting (1840-1890). Todays Lagotto Romagnolos serve as working dogs in detection, companionship, and multiple other services with their outstanding abilities. The Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed have an outstanding ability to search and a amazing willingness to work with their excellent sense of smell.

Our Lagotto Gallery

See our gallery of our Lagotto Romagnolo dogs and puppies

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